Puerto Eden Island, Chile

El Mate is a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina (where it is defined by law as the "national infusion"),[Uruguay, Paraguay, the Bolivian Chaco, Southern Brazil and southern Chile. It is also consumed in Syria, the largest importer in the world, and by the Druze in Lebanon.

Yendegaia, Chile.

Bourgogne, France.

Fragata"Libertad", Ushuaia, Argentina.

Cap Horn, Chile.

Zurich, Switzerland.

Falkland islands, Malvinas islands.

Falkland islands, Malvinas islands.

Hosteria "kaiken"Lago Fagnano, Argentina.

Isla Redonda, Parque National "Tierra del fuego", Argentina.

Louvre Museum, Paris, France.

Yendegaia, Chile.

Yendegaia, Chile.

Yendegaia, Chile.

Yendegaia, Chile.

Yendegaia, Chile.

Ushuaia, Argentina.


Fragata"Libertad", Ushuaia, Argentina.

Fragata"Libertad", Ushuaia, Argentina.

Ushuaia, Argentina.

Antarctic Boat, Ushuaia, Argentina.

Paris, France.

Paris, France.